The Contrary Farm Girl

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Intro to Book Club

It all begins with an idea. What if I could write a book? What if I wrote the book I wanted to read? Something anyone might enjoy reading…but also something that would really resonate with homesteaders.

Anyone else love sci-fi, post- apocalyptic novels? Anyone?

(psss….I really want to know! Leave me a comment!)

What if a homesteader faced such a challenge?

Don’t get me wrong, I love sharing on our YouTube channel. Editing video has been an amazing thing to learn. I love the creativity and beauty that I can share with video…but man, it’s hard.

Everything I do while filming is slower, and I’m not very good at editing (yet). It can be so frustrating to know what you want to do, to see it in your head, and not be able to do it. At least not quickly enough.

It’s not as easy at it looks to run a successful YouTube channel. Video isn’t my native language. To tell a story well, I need more time, and words.

Enter a weekly chapter book club. Download and listen, or be real old school, and read. :)

I hope you enjoy!